Channel: PTC Community: Message List - Windchill
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Re: How to Customize Affected Objects View Table


I did not file a call, I was able to achieve it with some work around.

Access control from read-only on latest Revision




I want to set access permissions to a role  to have access of read-only on latest version of released CAD document.



Can anyone suggest which permissions do I need to set.


Thanks & Regards,


Re: How to Customize Affected Objects View Table

Re: How to get BOM or Product structure externally using Info Engine API?

Re: removing product


i provided the oid number . it asked me to give the u8 value . i gave . but it says error at line 1 , missing expression. what to do ?

Re: Running WC 11.0 M020-CPS03 - Can anyone tell me which components of Windchill still require Java?


Just a point of clarification:


JavaScript and Java are very different.  Most every modern web page uses a lot of JavaScript -- it's almost impossible (and pointless) to avoid.  It adds no additional client side setup or (noticeable) complexity.


Use of Java applets in web UI's, however, is a completely different beast -- requiring the Java Plugin or Java Web Start (which are both part of the JRE) for JNLP-launched Java applications and adding a lot of complexity, fragility, etc.


And server-side Java is, of course, another matter entirely -- and there a JDK can be installed just for the server application in question and it does not have to interact with web browser(s).

State based PDMLink 10.2 file creation


We are on PDMLink 10.2 and we are trying to implement a state based activity for creating PDF files.  We have that working but the files seem to be secondary files.  When I try and create a Package, I cannot seem to add the PDF files nor can I search on them.  We are attempting to create them as primary files with our CAD worker but this seems to be overly complicated and PTC is not much help.  Any suggestions?

Re: State based PDMLink 10.2 file creation


Hi Ron,

The term state-based is confusing here - referring to something that happens at a state or state-based versioning (assuming its the first).  Is this an additional publishing process that is intended to create a new WTDoc for the PDF's and is instead making them attachments?

Re: Query Builder: Move


I believe the table you're looking for is the "LOCATIONCHANGERECORD" table. The column IDA3A4 would join to the IDA2A2 of the object. In SQL it would look like this:


select r.*

  from locationchangerecord r, epmdocument d, epmdocumentmaster m

where m.cadname = 'jamie_test1.drw'

   and m.ida2a2 = d.ida3masterreference

   and d.ida2a2 = r.ida3a4;


I don't to much (or anything for that matter) with QueryBuilder, so you'll have to convert it yourself.


Also keep in mind the the objects aren't always EPMDocuments. The CLASSNAMEKEYA4 tell you which type of object it is you're working with.



Compare EPM Document iterations


Is there a simple way to compare 2 version/iteration of an EPM Document/DITA document.


Basically, I want to select 2 dita documents, open them in AE and run a compare.  Or use a diff tool that would be ok too.


Adding an older iteration to the workspace and viewing in Arbortext Editor does not always work - there's a bug. Plus you can't add both, the default is always the current document.

Windchill Upgrade Path?


I'm going to be upgrading Windchill, servers, OS versions and database versions.  Going over the upgrade guide and trying to figure out the best way to get from beginning to end with all the variables.  I'm looking for the big picture of the way to go.  I need to setup my test environment and start testing, but I'm waiting on server space from IT and it is condensing my project.  So I am trying to get my ducks in a row.


  • Upgrade from Windchill 10.2 M030-CPS09 to Windchill 11.0 M020-CPS02
  • Upgrade from Windows 2008 R2 to Windows 2012 R2
  • Moving from 2 old servers to 1 new server for both application and database server
  • Upgrade from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2016 (I know this will have to be in steps)
  • Need new server to have the same name as the current application server in the end



  • Should I stay at 10.2 M030-CPS09 or update to a newer one?
  • What is the best way from the source to the target?
  • What is the best way to keep the server name, or at least the Windchill web address?
  • Any other ideas as to the route to take from start to finish?

Is there a way to retrieve the "names" of respective elements object id with REST API available in windchill 11.0?


We are  trying to explore the methodology to retrieve data from Swagger UI (REST API).

Please help us.

Re: Is there a way to retrieve the "names" of respective elements object id with REST API available in windchill 11.0?

Creating family table in Excel




I want to create family table in excel with auto generated instance names. Is this possible?

Do I need to include any special character in INST NAME field inside EXCEL to run auto name generation?

how to add attribute like start date and finish date and more other attribute in activity mail goes to owner or resource


hello everyone..


how to add attribute like start date and finish date and more other attribute in activity mail goes to owner or resource

Re: Query Builder: Move

Re: State based PDMLink 10.2 file creation



Thanks for the quick reply.  So what we want is when an object is set to a given state in PDMLink, the CAD worker will create PDF and STEP files.  We have this working but it creates them as attachments.  I am unable to add these attachments to a package (I am also trying to automate that process as well).  The intent is that when an object is set to our released state, we create all the supportive documentation (PDF and STEP).  After that we would like to create a zip file using the Package capability to gather the files.  Since the support files are attachments right now, the Package tool does not include them with the created zip file.  I have tried all the package settings for various file types without any luck.  I opened a call with PTC to see what we are doing wrong and PTC told us that we would have to make a new WT Doc  (we still don’t know how we would name a new doc so we can find what we are looking for).  I also found a config.pro option:  dm_save_as_attachment  YES/no.  I am not sure it this helps or not yet.  I am assuming that others have solved this problem already and we are just looking for advice on how best to approach this.


Re: Creating family table in Excel


You are limited to Excel functionality at this point.

We use numeric part numbers , so I use the Excel Fill function to populate the number field.

Has anyone ever use a touch screen monitor with stylus to red line a drawing using Creo View? Is there a touch screen monitor compatible with Creo View?


Has anyone ever use a touch screen monitor with stylus to red line a drawing using Creo View? Is there a touch screen monitor compatible with Creo View?

Re: WinDu


You are not able to upgrade the system directly from Windchill 10.0 to Windchill 11.0

this path is not supported.


You have to first upgrade to 10.2 and then to 11.0


Hope this helps you.


Best Regards.


Petr Helesic.

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