I have been trying to do something similar to this. Our business process depends on the output of STEP and parasolid files from our model files. I am trying to make them more accessible by putting them into their own WTDocument during the publish phase. I have written the following publishing rule xml. The file passes validation and loads into the WC system. On publish it is creating the Step and Parasolid and attaching them as representations. Id does not seem to be performing the post-publishing operations and creating the WTDocument. I am not seeing any error/log information of failure. Could someone please look at the XML and see if I am missing a trigger statement somewhere? Thank you.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rules xmlns="http://www.ptc.com"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ptc.com PublishRulesSchema.xsd"
<authoring-application name="SOLIDWORKS">
<additional-files name="standard_files">
<!-- only default='true' files will be generated at this time -->
<file display-label="STEP" type="step" default="true" output-prefix="step" />
<file display-label="PARASOLID" type="Parasolid" default="true" output-prefix="Parasolid" />
<param-set name="Share with WTDocument">
<post-publish name="delegate">com.ptc.wvs.server.publish.AdditionalFilesPostPublishDelegate</post-publish>
<post-publish name="name">{ADDITIONAL_FILE_PRIMARY_EXTENSION}_FOR_{EPM_NAME}</post-publish>
<post-publish name="folder">/Design</post-publish>
<post-publish name="type">com.mtc.MCADAdditionalFiles</post-publish>
<post-publish name="number">{EPM_NUMBER}-{ADDITIONAL_FILE_PRIMARY_EXTENSION}</post-publish>
<publish on="checkin" display-label="Additional Files" additional-files="standard_files" param-set="Share with WTDocument"/>
<publish on="create-representation" display-label="Additional Files" additional-files="standard_files" param-set="Share with WTDocument"/>
<publish on="schedule" display-label="Additional Files" additional-files="standard_files" param-set="Share with WTDocument"/>
I added a manual option to run the post publish and I am seeing an error that says
Post Publishing Succeeded with Warnings |
| Warning: No additional files match the regular expression in the post publish parameter set |