Agreed! I prefer firing up a SQL developer session and running a quick SQL query.
Re: Windchill file location
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
Pankaj, We absolutely will need to install and use in a supported manner, so thanks very much for confirming. I did just try adding this env variable and installation works. Seems like something that should be documented by PTC with the message not to do this - and why.
We're likely similar to many companies in that we are moving all servers to the cloud - and cloud servers have limitations on workstation OS. What is PTC's long term plan related to this?
thank you
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
Are you planning to have local file servers? If yes, remote CAD worker workstation within your network is an option.
Re: Assoicate CAD to WTPart for wires
You must have two CAD part in your assembly:
the first CAD part - a model for the cable which not associated with WTPart
the second CAD part - a bulk item for the windchill quantity which associated with a WTPart
By relation you can transmit length from your CAD model to the bulk item BOM_REPORT_QUANTITY parameter.
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
Our server room is being completely eliminated, so not really any choice for "local."
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
The WVS CAD worker for the SolidWorks may be configured without the WGM.
Re: Assoicate CAD to WTPart for wires
Thanks, I wish one of the Build Associations had an option to override the QTY for the Windchill Product Structure. My workaround currently is to NOT relate the -900.prt to anything and just add it manually to the BOM in Windchill.
I appreciate the feedback.
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
Wow - this is major. Please tell me more. I have SW installed on the server now.
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
Warning: the adapter does not support the renamed files in Windchill
Re: Windchill WVS CAD Worker for SolidWorks - server / workstation OS
I remember without file synchronization, I had a problem with representations/watermark not showing up the updated life cycle state. That was for CATIA though
Re: ProjectLink - Name resets when using 'Send to PDM'
Re: Regarding versioning in Windchill 10.2 M030
These are the high level steps.
1. Create revision series
2. Load the revision series
3. Enable revision series in LC administrator with enumcustomize
4.Set the revision series in LC Administrator
Another thing is, even with all this configuration, the revisions will not be set until you revise the object. If you are using promotion, you can enable automatic revision
Re: Java Issue
It seems to hang loading the boot.jar otherwise not any real error.
Re: Java Issue
What happens if load the export/import utility?
Re: Java Issue
How to get BOM or Product structure externally using Info Engine API?
I'm new to Windchill and Info Engine.
Here is where I am at in my learning process:
- I have been able to run the default tasks that I found on this WSDL (<host>/Windchill/servlet/SimpleTaskDispatcher? using SOAP.
- I am also able to create tasks using the Info Engine Task Editor and then run them externally with a http request.
I'm trying to query a product structure externally based on some user input (product name). I need each parts' structure level, number, name, version, quantity and unit.
Ideally i would prefer not having to modify the server at all and use only out of the box tasks, but can modify if necessary.
Looking through the documentation I found the following task that looks like it is exactly what i'm looking for.
com.infoengine.connector.Group Multilevel_BOM_Report (String partOid, String locale, String hostName, String sessionId, String moduleName, String ncId)
Queries for a product structure and returns a multi-level Bill of Materials. {resourceBundle: com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.reports.bomReportsRB}
- Specifies the top level part object Id.
- Specifies the locale.
- Specifies the host name.
- Specifies the session Id.
Returns:{columns: java.lang.String level, java.lang.String indent, java.lang.String image, java.lang.String numberURL, java.lang.String Number, java.lang.String Version, java.lang.String Name, java.lang.String orgName, java.lang.String usedLineNumber, java.lang.String usedFindNumber, java.lang.String quantityAmount, java.lang.String quantityUnit, java.lang.String State, java.lang.String refDesignator, java.lang.String orgIdLabel, java.lang.String orgIdRef, java.lang.String recursivePath[4000], java.lang.String recursiveMark, java.lang.String recursive}
My problem is, i'm not sure how to call this externally. Is there a WSDL that includes this? If so how do i find it?
I tried:
but that returns an empty xml document. I also can't find the URL to call it with a direct http request.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Need inputs to create a report
Yes i need to get all documents with a primary content.
I am having trouble figuring out how to create the query in 'report management utility' to achieve this.
Could you help me achieve this?
Re: Java Issue
Windchill 10.2 M032 Software Matrices
Recent versions of Java 7 and 8 JRE present multiple security warnings and may prevent applets from launching in Windchill
Re: Load demo classification files into windchill
Thank you sir.