Integrated but must be installed
Re: Windchill 11.0 Classification Search missing
Re: Windchill 11.0 Classification Search missing
Yes, you are right, but I have seen from the screenshot that Claudiu was searching where it was the previous version of PartsLink
Re: Windchill 11.0 Classification Search missing
In addition based on the datecode of Windchill 11 you have to install the server component for Index Search Server to get the Classification Search in UI.
PTC has separated the client and server component for Index Search Server in Windchill 11 M010 I guess.
Re: Error in Creating user in windchill.
Setting the default value for the OOTB WTPart attributes via OIR
Can you tell me how I can set the default value for the OOTB WTPart attributes (End Item, Assembly Mode, Source, etc.) via OIR? We would like to set different default values across context.
Use case:
We have a library for purchased component. These parts should have a default value of Buy for Source. We manage our own products in product containers where the default value for Source should be Make.
What is the difference between master vault, replica vault and cache vault?
I am a new user of Windchill PDMLink. I am exploring the file vault topic and have read some User Guides,
1. I read the concepts master vaults , replica vault and cache vaults but in that I am getting confused in the difference
2. So, I am not getting that, when to use master vault, when to use replica and when to use cache vault.
Could anyone guide me further on this
Thank You in advance.
Sumit Patil
Use of Security labels & access controls for nationally classified information.
I have a requirement to restrict access to the meta data and content (documents) in Windchill based on a security context.
Not only do I need to restrict access, but I need to store the content in a specific location, which will be in a different location to the application server. i.e in another country if documents
are Nationally classified.
The Windchill 11 overview states this is possible, but I would like to know more details.
Re: What is the difference between master vault, replica vault and cache vault?
Master Vault is where ALL of your files are stored.
Replica Vault is used at a remote site to maintain local copies of the files from the Master Vault. You need a remote file server for a replica vault. There are rules that can be established as to retrieval and saving locations for the remote workers. You can also control the replication/sync timing.
Cache Vault is the temporary server storage location files when you save. The files are saved to the Cache Vault, then moved/copied to the final master vault folder.
Master Vaults must be established, created, mounted and verified to Windchill, They have a corresponding physical disk location on your system. Could be a local disk or a NAS.
Replica Vaults are only needed if you have remote locations and you have a latency issue. Some companies have remote locations and do not use replica vaults. I have local users (in the same building) and remote users (7 miles away) and I do not use a replica server as we have good fiber optic lines between the sites.
Cache Vault is established OOTB by Windchill. You can move it if you need to.
Re: Use of Security labels & access controls for nationally classified information.
There is a lot of setup involved with implementing security labels! Read the documents carefully as you are modifying core Windchill resource bundle files. Especially take note of the warning that says "Editing these files may prevent your Windchill system from starting". This definitely requires good backup and a test server to implement.
To store content in a secondary vault should not be an issue, but getting the proper settings to do it automatically may. You would need OIRs that put documents in that vault. If only certain documents of a type require this security, that is harder to do automatically without some deep programming.
illustrate insert JT
Hello, I can not use illustrate to insert a JT profile,the problem is as follow:
"Path to log file: C:\Users\YANGBI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PTCg032c6gg0vuq0\IMPg03im5ug0vuq0\conversion.log
jt2pv - Version : Creo 3.0 - M030 ( x86e_win64
Copyright (C) 2000-2015 PTC Inc. All Rights Reserved.
jt2pv Error:3000: Failed to open registry file "D:/x86e_win64/jtopen/recipe/jt2pv.pvr".
jt2pv Error:10001: Failed to load "jt2pv" default recipe file [D:/x86e_win64/jt"
Can you solve this issue?
Re: Windchill 11.0 Classification Search missing
be carrefull . You're on 11 F00.
in 11 F00 , the Partslink classification search is not really integrated. Still the "old fashion" tree browser in addition to normal Advanced search (and need If i remember to be activated by pref or at least create a Classification tree before ....)
You need to be in 11 m020 to have the new features:
- Classif Search embeded in Advanced Search
-faceted results etc ...
Need few steps in Windchill installation cause based on Index Search engine
Anybody managed to setup a SolidWorks 2016 File Syncronisation Worker on Server 2012R2 OS?
Hi all,
I'm a little bit lost. We are going to move our server infrastructure from 2008R2 to 2012R2 including all my Windchill visualization workers.
A first test has shown that moving a Creo 3 worker from 2008R2 to 2012R2 is not an issue.
When trying to do the same with SolidWorks 2016 worker I ran into a problem.
GS Worker Deamon starts a SolidWorks.exe process but this stops immediately after launch - regardless if the Service is running with user permissions of a logged in user or with SYSTEM and "Allow service to Interact with desktop".
It seems that Solidworks does not know where to display it's gui... has anybody experienced the same or knows how to allow the application to pop up on the desktop or virtual desktop?
launching the swworker.bat interactively works fine ... just when launched by the service it stuck.
Re: What is the difference between master vault, replica vault and cache vault?
Hi Tom,
Thank you for response. In my vault configuration, there are two vaults, 'defaultsystemvault' and 'newvault', so, when i try to set wt.fv.forceContentToVault=true, it is giving an error in method server logs as,
wt.util.WTException: System property wt.fv.forceContentToVault is set to TRUE. This property may not be set to TRUE if there is more than one local vault across all sites. Please set the property to FALSE or remove the extra vaults.
so,I tried to remove 'newvault' from master vaults, but, i am getting an exception as,
wt.util.WTException: Cannot delete: Folder contains one or more items
could you please help me for this
Thank you
Sumit Patil
Re: Anybody managed to setup a SolidWorks 2016 File Syncronisation Worker on Server 2012R2 OS?
Hi all,
I managed to get it running...
The option for “Allow service to interact with desktop” caused the issue. – by default, services are not allowed to access your desktop unless this box is checked.
But in Server 2012 R2 just checking that box doesn’t immediately give them access – you would also need to make sure that the NoInteractiveServices value in the registry is set to 0, because when it is set to 1, that checkbox is ignored and services can’t interact with the desktop at all.
The Key can be found at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows.
Re: Was Windchill 11.0 M020 partially retracted?
I tried to install a fresh 11.0 M020 this morning and Service Pack is not recognised on staging area except if you patch version.xml...
releaseIdentifier="wsp." supportDateCode="M020-CPS02"
replaced by
releaseIdentifier="wsp." supportDateCode="M020"
Initial goal was to be able to install M020 CPS03 (PTC TS call pending)
I will post the result
MPMLink Process Plan - Splitting QTYs during allocation
What is the best practice for being able to split quantities into different operations. We are a bit confused here on how to proceed.
Assembly: 410-158444
Child parts: 401-158888 (QTY 4) needs to be split between 2 operations in the process plan.
Do we make a manufacturing view of this part, add another instance of 401-158888 with a qty of 2 and then from the occurrences tab reduce the number of the original 4 to 2? Please provide any details you can (what UIs Explorers or browsers) to achieve this.
We have quite a few assemblies that the design view could be used in the process plan - except for the allocation of qty to operations.
Re: MPMLink Process Plan - Splitting QTYs during allocation
yes, think today you have to change View and split the usage link . Cause MPMLink (like SAP ERP) does not allow to allocate occurrences of the same Usage link in different operations (even if PTC have prepared something in the data model for this .... but not fully implemented.)
We exactly do that today.
But we do not manage occurrences . Only quantity on usage links. So I can no tell you how to correctly handle occurences... Notably for the 3D représentations of the ProcessPlan if you want to use Work Instructions features .
the 11M020 ,in the HTML dual eBOM/mBOM comparator, there's some new features for managing equivalent occurrence links between eBOM and mBOM. So hope it will be better than the applet...
Re: Anybody managed to setup a SolidWorks 2016 File Syncronisation Worker on Server 2012R2 OS?
Similar here - moving all servers to Amazon Web Services (AWS). We now have our CAD Workers (Creo Parametric and SolidWorks) as Windows 7 Enterprise OS installed on a VM on an Amazon Win 2012 server. Took a bit but working perfectly.
Re: What is the difference between master vault, replica vault and cache vault?
You would have to run a revaulting process to move the data to whichever vault you want to keep. Full instructions are available here:
User was able to check out released objects modify them and check it in again, before we went to Windchill 10.2
We went from Windchill 10.0 to 10.2