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Creating non cad related data in Windchill.


Being new to the Windchill environment I am trying to see what the limitations is for use of the application, one question I have is there any companies out there that are creating pure data in Windchill that is not based on a physical file (cad document, model, office document) or is part of a module/add-on such as Product Analytics?

Looking forward to the answers. 



Re: How to prioritize workflow tasks (high, medium, low)?


How do you setup a drop-down list?

I created a new attribute, I added it to my object type and More Attributes layout. My new type shows up, but no drop-down.

Re: Workflow Training


Interesting.  Thank you for that overview.


It does sound like it's different than the one in the eLearning.

APQP in windchill


I am looking for a company that is currently using an APQP process managed by Windchill

Re: A workflow is getting terminated when the object is in checked out state. How to avoid workflow termination


This works well for the primary object. Is there a way to adjust the script so that it would also check the 'dependents' of the primary object? For instance, we are starting workflows on maps which have several maprefs (english doc, french doc & metadata doc). At any given time one of the maprefs could be checked out, but not the map (primary object). Is it possible to have the script stop the workflow task if one of the maprefs is checked out?

Re: APQP in windchill


We have started this journey as well, and have some APQP documents in Windchill.   As far as a single process to manage it in Windchill, no.  We will be looking at some workflows to help in the future.



CAD / PLM Systems Manager

TriMark Corporation

Re: error in opening product folder

Re: Issue related Windchill user managment


It's been a while since I've played around in an 8.0 system, but do you see these users show up if you go to Site  > Utilities > Personal Cabinet Administration? If these users are actually deleted, then deleting their personal cabinets should do an undo checkout on any checked out work.

Re: Alias Attribute Mapping


Hi Greg,


Did you get this working?

Are you using the internal name of the attribute defined on the WTPart? What kinds of attributes are you using from the Part (e.g., IBAs, modeled attributes, calculated attributes, etc.)

I often refer to the Logical Attribute Report to determine which attributes I can work with (http://<SERVER_NAME>/Windchill/netmarkets/jsp/lwcType/logicalAttributeReport.jsp)

Are you defining the alias attribute using the correct data type?

Data import from Multiple suppliers


Need help trying to find the right method on importing/exporting data from suppliers.  The suppliers use multiple type of CAD, (Creo, NX, etc) and we need to bring in their product structure and required attributes, (uom, trace, parent/child relationships, etc) into our Windchill 10.2 system.  This is the metadata (wtpart type of data) only as they will no give us the native files.  They are willing to send over lightweight viewables but we must be able to parse that data to create the wtparts for the product structure in our system.  I know we can use Excel spreadsheets but looking for method on using xml to direct import data into Windchill.




Windchill workspace Object Lock


Hi All,


If we lock an object in Windchill workspace can any other user get to know who locked that object. Or do we need to customize it. If yes kindly let me know the API so that I can get to know the same.


Thanks and Regards,

Aditya Achanta

Re: Thingworx Windchill extension


Hi Preeti,

By looking at the architecture, it is possible to customize. Me too standing on the same page like you.

If you have snippet code related to REST, please share it with me.



Re: Data import from Multiple suppliers


Maybe the Import/Export Management utility can be used. It is XML based.

Re: Windchill workspace Object Lock

is there any customization/configuration to automatically logout from windchill session if the server is idle for sometime say 20 minutes?


The windchill version used is 10.1 M030.


When the user is logged in and the server is idle for say 20 min. it should use timout session. and prompt for login

FRACAS Incident - assign a user group by other user group


Hi all,

working with Windchill 11.0, FRACAS, trying to get some kind of "Workflow" done, but as complete newbie I hit a wall. We have two user groups for web access (Incoming, Production). The idea was as follows:


Production user enters incident (user group production) through a Production Incident Form -> last step is to push a button and to transfer it to Incoming Dep. (or any other department) (calculation: assign entry to user group "Incoming Inspection").


Incoming user gets now the new entry displayed in the Incoming Incidents Table and can create a Fault Report based on the data.


-> Trick: The Production user should only see production entries, the incoming user only Incoming entries.


If I am logged in as Admin, the switching of assignments works. But If I am logged in as Production user, it appears that I can not change the user group. This might be a misunderstanding, but I assumed that workflow is controlled by assigning tasks to user groups  (Task A, User group 1 starts, at the task end User Group 2 receives result of Task A, processes the results as Task B, ......).


I know, a complete newbie questions. I appreciate any insight - thanks a lot!



Viewing and modifying Roles in an Org


I am doing a restructuring of our windchill environment and adding new products to our site. One of the challenges has been to understand how Team Roles are administered. I have a team that has a built in role, Designers. How do I view the permissions and access controls of this ROLE? I know how to change who has this role by Groups are granted the role. Also how do I make a new ROLE or Modify it please?

importing data into Intralink


I have ~3000 files that I want to import into Intralink.  ~1400 of these files already exist in Commonspace.

Any advice on how to proceed?


Ideally, I'd like to avoid checking out the existing data and then importing again.


I haven't done this before.  Was wondering if I could create a new vault or context to import this data.


Any help would be appreciated.



Re: Viewing and modifying Roles in an Org




Roles and permissions is quite a big topic.


You can create custom roles directly in the product UI but you will not be able to apply Org/Site level ACL policy.



If you want to create system wide roles I believe you have to edit RBINFO files using Enumcustomize util



Permissions can be reported and created against a domain/role/type/state in policy admin utility. Steep learning curve ahead I'm afraid.



Re: Windchill workspace Object Lock




The scenario is like we will have to get to know the user details who locked an object when we login with another user.


How do we get to know that ? Is it through OOTB functionality or through customization ? Can you please let me know about it


Thanks and Regards,

Aditya Achanta

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