Windchill there is already the drawing with lower revision and now I have a drawing latest with revision in local drive how I can replace tat.
how to replace the Windchill file with local drive file
Re: how to replace the Windchill file with local drive file
- Perform the following steps:
- Check out the existing data to workspace
- Open the local data in a linked session of Creo Parametric
- Save the local data in the CAD application
- This step will overwrite the local cache for the object with the local copy and the object will now show as modified in the workspace
- Check in the data and the new iteration will be the local CAD Document
Re: Adding javascript validation using DataUtilities on create wizard
Hi kaushik,
we are getting the dropdown for country not for the states, could you help us out regarding this?
Re: Academic Windchill Server Down
As of 12/21/16, it appears the upgrade is complete. We now have access to our repository again.
Re: how to replace the Windchill file with local drive file
I have replaced the sub-assembly with new sub-assembly and the old sub-assembly is no more required. This old sub-assembly and its parts are only used in that particular assembly and no where its used. after checked in everything. I am unable to delete the old sub-assembly and stating error.
Two possible problems:
1) It is possible for Creo to retain a reference to the old sub-assembly - there is a box in the Replace dialog that can be checked to remember old parts.
2) As long as any version of the assembly references the sub-assembly you can't remove the sub-assembly. You have to delete the versions the sub-assembly is in before deleting the sub-assembly.
i have written a validator to check the duplicacy in the multi value attribute called "Production Plant" in both create and checkout and edit page...But i could accomplish this only in create page.
Since "create" action default validator is DefaultUIComponentValidator. i created a validator extending it.
For "checkoutandEdit" action default validator is CheckoutAndEditValidator. i created another validator extending it.
PFA the java files. But the problem is that it works for create acton but not checkout functions.
Need help with this
Re: Need to know how to get the users of multiple role from a Library context and add them as a project manager in the project context
Hi all,
I have found the solution. below is the code snippet for achieving this
ContainerTeam libteam = ContainerTeamHelper.service.getContainerTeam((ContainerTeamManaged) pif.getContainer()); (pif is the WTDoc object)
HashMap map = libteam.getAllMembers();
Set keys = map.keySet();
Iterator itr = keys.iterator();
WTPrincipalReference UserName;
Object Role1;
Role ppeRole=null;
UserName = (WTPrincipalReference);
Role1 = map.get(UserName);
if(Role1.toString().contains("PDE PLANNING ENGINEER")) (custom role where the users are retrieved)
System.out.println(UserName.getName() + "-----------------" +Role1);
ContainerTeamHelper.service.addMember(localContainerTeam, ppeRole.toRole("PROJECT MANAGER"),UserName.getPrincipal() ); (retreived users are added in the role of Project Manager)
Re: How to get a variable dropdown list in wf task page?
Hi Bhushan,
As mentioned i created a custom enumerated type java (_MyEnumeration). i could compile the file.
class files are also getting created but when i try the command. output mesage: Build successful. but it is not creating RB.ser file in codebase directory.
package ext.pricol.workflow.dropdown;
public class RejectReason extends _RejectReason{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final RejectReason Price_Competency = RejectReason.toRejectReason("PriceCompetency");
public static final RejectReason Project_dropped_by_Customer = RejectReason.toRejectReason("ProjectdroppedbyCustomer");
public static final RejectReason Delay_in_Quote_submission = RejectReason.toRejectReason("DelayinQuotesubmission");
public static final RejectReason Project_Commercially_unviable = RejectReason.toRejectReason("ProjectCommerciallyunviable");
public static final RejectReason Project_Technically_unviable = RejectReason.toRejectReason("ProjectTechnicallyunviable");
public static final RejectReason Customer_Project_postponement = RejectReason.toRejectReason("CustomerProjectpostponement");
protected RejectReason() {
package ext.pricol.workflow.dropdown;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Locale;
import wt.fc.EnumeratedType;
import ext.pricol.workflow.dropdown.RejectReason;
import wt.util.WTInvalidParameterException;
public abstract class _RejectReason
extends EnumeratedType {
static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
static final String RESOURCE = "wt.part.partResource";
static final String CLASSNAME = new RejectReason().getClass().getName();
static final String CLASS_RESOURCE = "ext.pricol.workflow.dropdown.RejectReasonRB";
static Hashtable localeSets;
private static volatile EnumeratedType[] valueSet;
* WARNING - Removed try catching itself - possible behaviour change.
* Enabled force condition propagation
* Lifted jumps to return sites
static EnumeratedType[] _valueSet() {
if (valueSet != null) return valueSet;
Class<_RejectReason> class_ = _RejectReason.class;
synchronized (_RejectReason.class) {
try {
if (valueSet != null) return valueSet;
valueSet = _RejectReason.initializeLocaleSet(null);
catch (Throwable var1_1) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(var1_1);
return valueSet;
public static RejectReason newRejectReason(int n) throws IllegalAccessException {
return new RejectReason();
public static RejectReason toRejectReason(String string) throws WTInvalidParameterException {
return (RejectReason)_RejectReason.toEnumeratedType((String)string, (EnumeratedType[])_RejectReason._valueSet());
public static RejectReason getRejectReasonDefault() {
return (RejectReason)_RejectReason.defaultEnumeratedType((EnumeratedType[])_RejectReason._valueSet());
public static RejectReason[] getRejectReasonSet() {
RejectReason[] arrpartType = new RejectReason[_RejectReason._valueSet().length];
System.arraycopy(valueSet, 0, arrpartType, 0, valueSet.length);
return arrpartType;
public EnumeratedType[] getValueSet() {
return _RejectReason.getRejectReasonSet();
protected EnumeratedType[] valueSet() {
return _RejectReason._valueSet();
protected EnumeratedType[] getLocaleSet(Locale locale) {
EnumeratedType[] arrenumeratedType = null;
if (localeSets == null) {
localeSets = new Hashtable();
} else {
arrenumeratedType = (EnumeratedType[])localeSets.get(locale);
if (arrenumeratedType == null) {
try {
arrenumeratedType = _RejectReason.initializeLocaleSet(locale);
catch (Throwable var3_3) {
// empty catch block
localeSets.put(locale, arrenumeratedType);
return arrenumeratedType;
static EnumeratedType[] initializeLocaleSet(Locale locale) throws Throwable {
return _RejectReason.instantiateSet((Method)RejectReason.class.getMethod("newRejectReason", Integer.TYPE), (String)"ext.pricol.workflow.dropdown.RejectReasonRB", (Locale)locale);
# Entry Format (values equal to default value are not included)
# <key>.value=
# <key>.category=
# <key>.comment=
# <key>.argComment<n>=
# <key>.constant=
# <key>.customizable=
# <key>.deprecated=
# <key>.abbreviatedDisplay=
# <key>.fullDisplay=
# <key>.shortDescription=
# <key>.longDescription=
# <key>.order=
# <key>.defaultValue=
# <key>.selectable=
# Entry Contents
PriceCompetency.value = Price Competency
PriceCompetency.order = 10
ProjectdroppedbyCustomer.value = Project dropped by Customer
ProjectdroppedbyCustomer.order = 20
DelayinQuotesubmission.value = Delay in Quote submission
DelayinQuotesubmission.order = 30
ProjectTechnicallyunviable.value = Project Technically unviable
ProjectTechnicallyunviable.order = 40
ProjectCommerciallyunviable.value = Project Commercially unviable
ProjectCommerciallyunviable.order = 50
CustomerProjectpostponement.value = Customer Project postponement
CustomerProjectpostponement.order = 60
WQS 10.2 FRACAS: Calculations for Subtable evaluation
I´d like to evaluate the responsible for the next action in a subtable with several records and transfer this person to the problem table as "next action responsible".
Criteria: Task in subtable not "Done", next or minimum Due date, if two or more tasks have the sam due date take the one with the lowest ID.
I already could calculate the next or relevant due date, but can´t filter the person that correspons to the relevant next due date.
Ideas? Solutions?
Re: sql link "modified by" and wtpart(master)
It is surprising nobody has responded yet. By now you have probably gotten your answer. But if not, this might be helpful (for Oracle db query):
select m.wtpartnumber, p.VERSIONIDA2VERSIONINFO rev, p.ITERATIONIDA2ITERATIONINFO iteration, modified_by, p.MODIFYSTAMPA2 last_modified from wtpartmaster m, wtpart p, wtuser u where 1=1 and m.ida2a2 = p.IDA3MASTERREFERENCE and p.ida3b2iterationinfo = u.ida2a2 and m.wtpartnumber = 'XYZ' order by m.wtpartnumber, p.ida2a2 ;
Re: RE: Drawing approver name from Windchill into the proe drawing
You're going to need to put the
approvedBy = ((
code in the COMPLETE transition of your "Approve Promotion Request" task.
You can also put the call to the external class there too ... or you can put that in an Execute Expression robot. It is your choice.
I see you posted this a while ago. Were you able to make progress on it?
FTA calculation display on the diagram and 10^-6 being added to gate results.
I am trying to use an existing FTA from a supplier and model it further for a client; however, when I import the data provided in excel the results are not matching the report generated by them. Specifically, the calculation results will not display the probability average hour and the events are having 10^6 being added into the calculation.
How do I display PAh calculation results in the FTA diagram; only PAf results are displayed. Also, any ideas why 10^-6 is being added to my data, which is skewing the model data I am importing?
Re: RE: Drawing approver name from Windchill into the proe drawing
I'm old enough to remember when people actually signed vellum drawings - and then made copies of others to use (blueprints). So in this case, the actual editable original changed.
With PLM systems, the STATE of the original editable changes, but not the content.
Changing something that is checked in is a lot like taping up a box, then approving what is in the box, then opening up the box and inserting the record of approving what is in the box after it was taped shut. Major circular flow that you don't want to use. When you go down this path, what displays on the drawing is completely dependent on correct retrieval and refresh - and subject to model changes made since the drawing was checked in.
Using Windchill watermarking thru Creo View completely eliminates the need for any of this - and allows for generating PDF's that you do business on from just a browser, no CAD involved.
Can not get back "online" (not Offline) in Creo
Hi experts,
please look at Can not get back "online" (not Offline) in Creo and help to resolve the problem.
Re: RE: Drawing approver name from Windchill into the proe drawing
I don't understand where you're going with your response.
We're investigating the use case supplied by Sanjay:
- Drawings are completed.
- In the change (CN in our case) workflow, there is an approval task to UserX. UserX reviews & approves the drawings. They sign off on their workflow task.
- Workflow code captures the user's Full Name who completed that "Drawing Approval" workflow task.
- Workflow code pushes user's Full Name (via IBA) to a parameter in the drawing which is displayed in the title block of the drawing, thus automatically populating that field on the drawing instead of manually updating it.
- The state of the drawings also flip to Production state after this task, so they are no longer editable.
I'm not sure what you're describing with the "circular flow" reference. ...And regarding your comment about watermarks ... do you think we can achieve this requirement with watermarks? That might be interesting to investigate. I'm not sure yet.
Re: RE: Drawing approver name from Windchill into the proe drawing
You are talking as well about watermarking which has the drawback that it is not persistent. It is just an overlay in Windchill while online. If you export and share data the only option is a stamping solution which imprints the meta data on the neutral format. In my opinion it should be state of the art of every PLM system. It is save, reliable and fast, saving valuable resources for republishing. With the Adobe LC integration this is possible but not well documented. In my opinion this should be a complete optional feature which should be easy to buy and easy to configure for people who want it.
Replacing Adobe with some open source might not be an option due to long archive regulations. If possible this would be even better
Re: Adding javascript validation using DataUtilities on create wizard
Hi Vino / Kaushik,
Similar type of requirement we have.
Our requirement is like below, Country, State, City are attributes on Problem Report page. when we select Country respective States from that country should display in States drop down and when we select the Appropriate State from drop down, City's belongs to that state should display in next city's drop down,
we are referring Kaushik's approach and able to populate Country's Drop down so far, but we are facing issues when we are trying to populate States drop down.
Please help us to solve this issue.
Unable to run xconfmanager ??
I tried to configure my windchill server for Email. but while try to run the xconfmanager i am getting the below errors,
- ERROR [main] com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManager - Unexpected error (stack trace belo
com.ptc.windchill.structconf.PropagationActionException: Invalid number of fields in additional adapter definition, encr
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.PropagationAction.newPropgationActionException(
at com.infoengine.ieinstall.MapCredentialsAction.addAdapters(
at com.infoengine.ieinstall.MapCredentialsAction.evaluate(
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.TargetFileContentsCollector.evaluatePropagationActions(TargetFileContentsCollect
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.TargetFileContentsCollector.writeTargetFiles(
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManager.propagate(
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.Propagate.execute(
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManagerCommand.execute(
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManager.execute(
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManager.execute(
at com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManager.main(
Can anyone help me on this issue...