Since no one seems to know I will answer this myself.
I have found out that I can listen for PersistenceManagerEvent.INSERT events and obtain the information I need according to below:
if (event instanceof PersistenceManagerEvent) {
PersistenceManagerEvent pme = (PersistenceManagerEvent) event;
Object target = pme.getEventTarget();
if (target instanceof IdentityChangeHistory) {
IdentityChangeHistory ich = (IdentityChangeHistory) target;
String attributeName = ich.getAttributeName();
if (attributeName.equals("name")) {
ObjectReference or = ich.getObject();
Persistable p = or.getObject();
if (p instanceof EPMDocumentMaster) {
EPMDocumentMaster master = (EPMDocumentMaster) p;
String newValue = ich.getNewValue();
String oldValue = ich.getOldValue();
It seems it is possible to check for number and filename using this event as well.