Hi Shreyas,
Thanks for ur reply.
Hope u have remembered my earlier post "workflow tasks to get in the code" for which u have provided me a solution.
In the same way, can u please let me know is there any way to find these SyncRobots using "WorkflowCommands.getRouteStatus(nmOid);"
For ur reference PFB.
WfProcess process = (WfProcess) processes.nextElement();
NmOid nmOid = new NmOid(process);
QueryResult status = WorkflowCommands.getRouteStatus(nmOid);
Object obj = status.nextElement();
if(obj instanceof WorkItem)
WorkItem workitem = (WorkItem) obj;
System.out.println("The ICN is stuck at "+workitem.getIdentity()+"in the"+process.getIdentity());
if(obj instanceof WfSynchRobot)
WfSynchRobot sync=(WfSynchRobot)obj;
But it is entering in to the second if condition , even though the ICN is stuck in the "Sync Robot" in the workflow Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong.
Thanks in advance.