You can write custom java class file to download representation to Local disk
Below are the few API’s which may help you to write custom java class / utility.
To Get representation for EPMDocument/Drawing
VisualizationHelper helper = new VisualizationHelper();
QueryResult qr = helper.getRepresentations(epmm);
Write custom method to file correct and default representation
Representation representation = getLatestRepresentation(qr);
Use below code to download representation/PDF to folder Local Drive.
Vector contents = ContentHelper.getContentListAll(holder);
ApplicationData data = null;
for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) {
if (contents.get(i) instanceof ApplicationData) {
data = (ApplicationData) contents.get(i);
if (data != null && data.getFileName().endsWith(".pdf")) {
String dLFile = data.getFileName();
int index = dLFile.lastIndexOf("_");
String dLFile_trim = dLFile.substring(0,index);
//String out_path_dir = dlLoc + "\\" +dLFile;
String path = dlLoc + "\\" + dLFile_trim+"_"
+ epmm.getVersionIdentifier().getValue()
+ "."
+ epmm.getIterationIdentifier().getValue()
+ ".pdf";
data, path.toUpperCase());
writelog(epmm.getCADName() + " : PDF downloaded");
System.out.println("Download Executed.\n");
System.out.println("File name is"+data.getFileName());
Hope this helps !!!