WC Gurus,
What have any of you done regarding this issue?https://support.ptc.com/appserver/cs/view/solution.jsp?n=CS204358&source=minisearch
In 10.1 the collector gets only the latest WTPart, in 10.2 all versions of the wtpart are collected. This is not good.
CS204358 The "Affected Object" collector collects non latest iteration of Parts linked to the affected Document in Windchill PDMLink 10.2 https://support.ptc.com/appserver/cs/view/solution.jsp?n=CS204358&source=minisearch
The Case resolution states:
- Reported to R&D as SPR 2262224
- Not part of Windchill PDMLink functionality
- To request this functionality, refer to Product Ideas @ PTC Community
Video: http://youtu.be/92EEW1LGJy8