Already Solved my Problem! Thanks to all of you!
This is my final code, it's lot of parts from another sites and forums but it worked for me..
that's it:
wt.fc.QueryResult theQueryResult;
wt.maturity.PromotionNotice pn = (wt.maturity.PromotionNotice)primaryBusinessObject;
wt.content._ContentHolder cHolder;try{ theQueryResult = wt.maturity.MaturityHelper.service.getPromotionTargets(pn); theVersioned = null ; wt.epm.EPMDocument myDoc; if (theQueryResult != null){ int queCnt = 0; while(theQueryResult.hasMoreElements()){ theVersioned = (; if (theVersioned instanceof wt.epm.EPMDocument) { System.out.println("IS A EPM DOCUMENT"); myDoc = (wt.epm.EPMDocument)theVersioned; if(myDoc.getDocType().toString().equals("CADDRAWING")){ //GET THE PDF: wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleManaged LMObject = (wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleManaged)myDoc; String StStg = (String)LMObject.getLifeCycleState().toString(); if (StStg.compareTo("RELEASED") == 0) { System.out.println( "\nEPMDoc - Number: " + myDoc.getNumber() + " - Name: " + myDoc.getName()+ " - CadName: " + myDoc.getCADName() ); System.out.println( "EPMDocument " + myDoc.getNumber() + " -Version: " + myDoc.getVersionIdentifier().getValue() + " - Iteration:"+myDoc.getIterationIdentifier().getValue()); System.out.println( "Life Cycle State: "+StStg); try{ wt.representation.Representation defaultRep=wt.representation.RepresentationHelper.service.getDefaultRepresentation(myDoc); wt.content.ContentHolder holder=wt.content.ContentHelper.service.getContents(defaultRep); Vector contents=wt.content.ContentHelper.getContentListAll(holder); wt.content.ApplicationData data=null; for (int i=0;i<contents.size();i++) { if (contents.get(i) instanceof wt.content.ApplicationData) { data=(wt.content.ApplicationData)contents.get(i); System.out.println("Avaliando o " + data.getFileName()); if (data!=null&& data.getFileName().endsWith("pdf")) { System.out.println("Vou copiar este: " + data.getFileName() + " pois ele é PDF"); String path = "D:"+"\\pdf\\"+data.getFileName(); System.out.println("Vai copiar o : " + data.getFileName() + " para " + path); wt.content.ContentServerHelper.service.writeContentStream(data, path); System.out.println("Copiado : " + data.getFileName() + " para " + path); break; } } } }catch(Exception exception){ errorMsg = "NOVO ERRO " + exception.getMessage(); } queCnt++; } } }else{ System.out.println("THIS IS NOT A EPM"); } } } result="Approved";}catch (wt.maturity.MaturityException me){ errorMsg=me.getMessage(); result="Rejected"; }