Not sure if this helps, but check it out.
Check for "Carrying Forward Content Links When Revising CAD Documents Only" enhancement in 10.2 M20.
Carrying Forward Content Links When Revising CAD Documents Only
Product: All PTC Windchill Solutions
Support Release: 10.2 M020
Functional Area: Product Structures, BOMs, and Configurations
In PTC Windchill 10.2 M020, a new server-side preference was introduced:Revise ▶ Carry Forward Content Association for CAD Document Revise. When revising
only the CAD document, the system can be configured to carry forward existing Content associations. By default the value of this preference is set to “No” and
when you revise only the CAD document, the existing part version are not associated to the new CAD document version. This ensures that released part
versions do not have any change in content without an iteration or revise of the part.
Benefits and Description:
This allows making simple updates to the CAD document, without requiring the revision of the associated part. When your company allows released parts to be
associated to not-released CAD documents, you can change the value of this preference to “Yes” and the latest version of the part will be associated to the new
version of the CAD document after revise.
For more information, see the “Creating a New Revision” topic in the PTC
Windchill Help Center.