Maybe there is a typo on slide 12? The bullet points for "model driven product structure" are actually seen under "import from spreadsheet" and vice versa? Screenshot below.
Also, as I was paging through the slides, I noticed the "Uses" tab. The Unit column is editable. In general, in Windchill a UOM is editable both on the WTPart itself, and in the BOM (WTPartUsageLink). This is quite confusing to me actually. A UOM should not change after an item is initially set up, in my experience. We're connected with our Oracle ERP system, and in that system a UOM cannot be changed for an item. If you set up an item as Liters for example, it should be purchased in Liters, sold in Liters, used on BOMs as Liters. A user should not have the potential to put it on the BOM as Milliliters or worse - Gallons. Therefore I think UOM should be read-only on WTPartUsageLink. We have made that customization at the site level for our Windchill installation.
Anyway, my rant is digressing from the OP. Sorry. Should be discussed in a different venue.