Hi Wayne/Ben,
You can try below steps:
1. Update<Windchill_Home>\codebase\netmarkets\jsp\util\begin_custom.jspfto include following
<%@ include file="/netmarkets/jsp/util/banner_custom.jspf"%>
2. Add following (or whatever you want to display in banner) to <WT_HOME>\codebase\netmarkets\jsp\util\banner.txt
<div class="bannerdiv">
Alert: Windchill server will be shutdown soon for maintenance.<br>
Contact <a href="https://support.ptc.com/appserver/cs/portal" target="_blank">PTC Support</a> for your queries.
3. Add the following to the Windchill\codebase\netmarkets\themes\windchill\xtheme-windchill.css
.bannerdiv {
color: red; position: absolute; top: 2px; z-index: 1000; left: 200px; font-size: 14px ; font-weight:bold;
background: white;
width: 30%;
- Please note that the Banner.txt file needs to be created for each Locale respectively.
- That is, If your browser Language is set to say GERMAN (DE), then the system will look for <Windchill_Home>\codebase\netmarkets\jsp\util\banner_de.txt file
- If the Locale specific file is not found, then an exception is thrown in the MS logs and Windchill header complains about the desired file not found.
- If you wish to use the default Banner.txt file irrespective of what the browser language is set to, then add the following code to the <Windchill_Home>\codebase\netmarkets\jsp\util\banner_custom.jspf file :
Please have a backup of original banner_custom.jspf file before you modify it.
<%@ page import="com.ptc.netmarkets.util.NmUtils, com.ptc.netmarkets.util.beans.NmHelperBean"%>
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>
<%response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");%>
NmHelperBeanhelper = newNmHelperBean(pageContext);
try {
Stringfilename=NmUtils.getLocaleSpecificFileName(helper.getNmLocaleBean().getLocale(), "/netmarkets/jsp/util/banner", "txt" );
java.io.Filef = newjava.io.File(actualfile);
filename=NmUtils.getLocaleSpecificFileName(java.util.Locale.US, "/netmarkets/jsp/util/banner", "txt" );
<jsp:include page="<%=filename%>" flush="true"/>
catch (Throwablet){
%><jsp:include page="/netmarkets/jsp/util/error.jsp" flush="true"/><%//
%><%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
%><%response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");%>