Sorry for the delay. Basically you need to do the following:
On the CAD worker
- Create a dedicated user account for each worker.
- Create a dedicated GS Worker daemon process for each worker (using the accounts from step 1)
- Create a unique folder and adapter config for each worker
- Manually modify the worker scripts with the "-DA" option
- Manually modify each proestartup.bat file with "taskkill" line
- Optional - create dedicated upload subfolders for each worker. (Before I did this I had some issues with different workers attempting to create folders with the same name causing write conflicts.)
On the server
- Add entries to the "hosts" file for the additional "phantom" worker machines
- Add the additional workers to the Worker Agent Administration. (I found this easier to do by hand with a text editor. The file is located at <wt_home>\conf\wvs\agent.ini .)
- If using shared folders, leave the agent.ini lines for username and password blank (these are for ftp only)
- Create additional publish queues, one for each worker.
- Optional - create a dedicated background method server for WVS.
This is all covered in these articles:
And of course, the Visualization Services Guide (10.2 M020)
Let me know if you have any questions. If there is enough interest I could probably put some type of actual guide together.