I thought of another idea to get around the 1333-character limit in the workflow task instructions (as outlined in CS61259).
If there is a group of common text that is displayed on all tasks, assign that text to a variable. Then in the instructions, call out the variable. I'm not sure how taxing this is on the system, but it is functional. A screenshot is included below. I also include the source code to populate {instructionFooter}. This can be put in an Execute Expression robot or somewhere in the workflow template.
instructionFooter = "<hr size=\"1\" width=\"100%\" color=\"#000\" noshade /><b>To view the ECO form, Affected & Resulting objects, routing history, Implementation Plan, and team:</b>\n" +"- Click on the hyperlink above to the Change Notice information page.\n" +"- On the Change Notice information page, select the <b>Enerpac ECO Information</b> tab.\n" +" - The ECO form is in the <b>Attachments</b> table.\n" +" - The Affected & Resulting objects are in the <b>Change Summary</b> table <i>(use the <b>Enerpac Default</b> table view)</i>.\n" +" - The ECO routing history is in the <b>Tasks for Change Process</b> table.\n" +" - The ECO team is in the <b>Members</b> table.";