Have to be very precise with terminology with this stuff or it hopelessy tangled.
You have an attribute on an object (e.g Change Request) which has a workflow process associated with it. That object is the "Primary Business Object" (PBO) of the workflow process.
The workflow conditional has to branch based on a workflow varialble.
So - The remaining part, not well-documented by PTC, is to get the PBO attribute value mapped to the workflow variable on initiation of the worklflow process.
See this topic in Windchill Help (I'm looking at 10.2 M020 - may not be there in earlier releases): "Working with PBO Attributes as WorkflowVariables"
This help topic discussed both directions
- GET a PBO attribute value and assign to the workflow variable
- SET a workflow variable value to the PBO attribute value
GET is used primarily for:
- Branching the process, as you are interested in doing
- Displaying the value read-only during Tasks
- Allowing changing the value during a Task rather then editing the PBO (used with SET)
SET is used primarily for the third use above
A bit complex but well worth investing in these