it's a bit late answering but maybe i can help you a little.
jms is managed in infoengine menu in administration for the site.
you must define a property sets such like that for instance :
dn: ptcServiceName=net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService,<base>
ptcRuntimeServiceName: net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService
objectClass: ptcApplicationService
objectClass: ptcApplicationProperties
objectClass: top
ptcMetaType: JMS Service
ptcServiceName: net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService
ptcProperty: net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService.jms.lib=D:\PHSI\products\ptc\Windchill_10.0\Windchill\srclib\weblogic
ptcProperty: net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService.jms.CtxFactory=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
ptcProperty: net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService.jms.baseUri.principal=weblogic
ptcProperty: net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService.jms.baseUri=t3://
ptcProperty: net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService.msg.queueConnectionFactory=jms/aia/AIA_PLM_QUEUE_CF
Also you'll need an adapter using the following property :
ptcProperty: net.xxdomainxxx.xxyourhostxx.Windchill.jms.defaultService=net.xxdomainxxx.aiaJmsService
then in addition you must create your distribution targets in manage distribution menu and validate they are active (or you won't be able to load from file the part association to the target).
Your target should have properties set a bit like that for instance :
Effectivity Format: | yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss | |
ESI Response Meta Information File Path: | $CODEBASE$/ext/ph/Manuf-ESIResponseMetaInfo.xml | |
Task Uniform Resource Identifier: | ext/ph/ExportToJMS.xml | |
JMS Queue Name: | jms/aia/AIA_PLM_US1_QUEUE | |
XSL Password: | ||
XSL DB User: | ||
XSL Parameters: | ||
XSL URL: | ext/ph/Manuf-Transformation.xsl |
hope this will help.