Cheers Mike,
I've been playing with the WTTypeDefinition. For sure it has the soft type name and the branch ID.
Also you can recursively drill "up" parent by parent until after an unknown number of jumps later you arrive at the root type (if not already there). In your report you are showing just the immediate parent.
WTType Definition.Parent.Name
and we could keep going so
WTType Definition.Parent.Parent.Name
WTType Definition.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name.....
Some Types are 4-5 deep.
Given multiple columns of parent names, I could do some trickery in Excel to determine which is the root type then append the branch ID of the softtype. It would be much more convenient if for a given subtype I could report the name directly as (rootype:branchID of subtype).... and thus avoid the need to post process the report.