I think what looks like the Play button is 'return to editor.'
If it shows a preview, then it is able to calculate the Sketcher geometry correctly. If it fails to create the solid feature, then it's often an accuracy problem. You may be able to select the option to create a surface from the Sketch to see if that works. If it's a surface, then it doesn't calculate any intersections, trim, or extend any existing surfaces. Try changing the accuracy to a smaller number; or change the accuracy type to Absolute and pick a value that seems about 1/10th the size of the smallest error you'd accept in the real part.
I've had failures trying to remove very shallow amounts of material that were corrected by starting the sketch offset from the target surface by a large amount. For example, trying to remove a .001 deep area failed, but starting from a plane 1.000 from the surface and extruding 1.001 worked.