Steps to uninstall WBR are as follows:
- Run uninst.exe to uninstall Cognos.( In windows path to uninst.exeptc\Windchill_10.1\PSI\Reporting\uninstall )
- 1. Open "regedit" to open the Windows registry file session
- 2. Select "My Computer" as the main root folder.
- 3. Find "cognos" as the keyword to search any registry entry belongs to previous cognos installation.
- 4. When the search of "cognos" operation found the entry, remove it (delete).
- 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 until there is no "cognos" registry entry available on the Windows registry file.
- 6. Remove "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cognos 8"
- 7. Reboot the machine.
Best Regards,