"Q1. Will WC create system parameters for all 10 pieces of info so they can be used in the drawing format? Ex. PTC_WM_CHK_BY, PTC_WM_MOD_BY, PTC_WM_MOD_DATE. "
Sytem parameters are default attributes. They commonly content Revison, dates, lifecycle state ... It seems that your APPR and CHK attributes need to be added.
solution 1:You can do that by creating classic IBA attributes in WC, designated it in ProE, and manage these attributes as you want (may be automatically in a workflow process for check and approval ...)
solution 2: You can also do that by customizing the download service(as describe in my previous reply) to get these attributes as System attribute. The difference is that you will not need to retrofit all your CAD datas to add these designated parameters in proE file ...
"Q2. Didn’t understand what you said here, please clarify.. “...(carrefull ! by default only contains system parameter of the CAD Document. not WTpart or ECN. cf your question 2)”"
Even If you link a drawing or a 3D model to a WTPart, and even if you manage them by Change management, there will have no WTPart or ECN attributes published as parameter in ProE. Need also to customize download service for that.
An other point in CreoView about attributes and watermarking. And assume you have linked your 3D model with owner link, and the drawing as content link to the WTpart
A 3D model opened from a WTpart info page will load WTpart attributes + CAD attributes. So you will be able to use them in watermarking
But not for the drawing. There's only Drawing attributes .. so no ability to watermark on drawing the WTpart number, State, etc ...
And no ECN attributes in CreoView ...
"Q3. If we wanted to avoid replacing drawing formats on all drawing put into WC to use system parameters couldn’t we just setup the workflow to automatically (via robots I believe is what they call it) to assign values to our 10 pieces of info as the document passes through the workflow? If so then we would need to have all 10 pieces of info designated in models correct?"
cf answeer of Q1
Yes if you use classic IBA and designated mapping
No if you customise download service. Add your 10 attributes in the download service, and they will be automatically be added as system parameters (even if not created/designated in "old migrated" proe datas), on each download/update in a Workspace, or during the worker publication process (impoirtant, notably if you modify theses attributes in a validation workflow. Your CAD doc will may be locked, so no checkin for republish ... just republish at the end of workflow and your drawing will be updated with correct parameters).
"Q4. If we removed rev history info and boms from our drawings we would obviously need a way of either showing or attaching this info to the drawing somehow. Could you please send me or show me an example of this?"
Because of confidentiality, need to build a fake. But we just create a PDF file of 2 pages, containing on the 1st page, the WTPart and BOM info, (part number, quantities, designation, material, etc ...) , and ECNs info and on 2nd page, the drawing ... (with the same technic , can imagine superimpose these info on one page , directly above the drawing ...but in our case, drawing formats were not retrofit so not necesseray always same size and place ... 2 pages are easy to manage. ...)
We can gerenerate this on demand by a custom action in the menu of the WTPart . But you can imagine generate this PDF at the end of your validation workflow, and attach it as secondary representation of your WTpart....