Hi Neil
My problem is, I can't use the library parts I imported to windchill.
what I did:
- Import and check in circuit works Library Parts
- Then change the paths in my circuitworks (Options)
Components = C:\Users\suarezm\Documents\PTC Umgebung\Commonspace
PCB = C:\Users\suarezm\Documents\PTC Umgebung\Workspace
- then import the IDF file in circuitworks and click build model
Solidworks build a assembly, gibe them a number and the name of the PCB (from IDF Fle)
But Solidworks don't build up any models. No Circuit board and also don't use the components.
I mean almost the printed board should be created, but nothing. Just a empty Assembly.
Looks like i use the wrong paths?
Where can i check the correct paths?
I use the paths from the Folder "Commonspace" and "Workspace" Windchill created in our explorer.
greetings Marcos
A couple of Minutes ago. I try to set the path to the Library in Commonspace in Circuitworks.
But this time, I don't just copy&paste the path. I did it over the folder Symbol in circuitworks, then you can search the path and click ok.
Result was, i get an error message "need absolute path"
In someway my circuitworks has a problem with the virtual path to the Windchill commonspace.
How did you solve this?